
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Two Republicans that get it in regards to Organ Donation

Recently, I have been on a bit of a flogging binge when it comes to the Republican Party (GOP). I've flogged them over the hypocrisy of some of it's members in regards to free speech, "pro-life" issues, and Democrat-like big government policies. However, today I want to brag on two Republicans in the Minnesota legislature who understand the importance of organ and tissue donation.

Recently, the Minnesota legislature passed, and Governor Mark Dayton signed, a bill enabling the state's residents to donate $2 to a fund used to increase organ and tissue donation awareness in the state when renewing their driver's license or ID card. The funds collected will be used to enable LifeSource and the  Minnesota Department of Safety Driver and Vehicle Services Division (DVS) to educate people about the importance of organ and tissue donation and the need for donors. Lifesource, a non-profit organization, coordinates all organ donation within the states of Minnesota, western Wisconsin, and North and South Dakota.

The bill was created and sponsored by two Republican members of the state's legislature - Rep. Sarah Anderson and Sen. David Senjem. The CEO of Lifesource, Susan Gunderson, stated, "We are grateful to Representative Anderson and Senator Senjem for their tireless efforts to support organ and tissue donation in the State of Minnesota. The result of their efforts will be an increase in the number of lives saved through transplantation."

In my opinion, Rep. Anderson and Sen. Senjem get it because they understand what it means to be a "public servant." Furthermore, this bill is the perfect example of the type of legislation that both Republicans and Democrats should be sponsoring and voting in favor of. This bill will save lives and leave a lasting legacy of life. Republican lawmakers, such as Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, and others could learn a lesson from Rep. Anderson and Sen. Senjem. The lesson is that organ and tissue donation works and should be supported and encouraged. The evidence is all around us.

I wonder if we could clone these two public servants ? We need more like them.

Source : article titled State of Minnesota Passes Bill Allowing $2 Contributions to Support Education About Organ and Tissue Donation

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