Before I get into today's blog post, I want to speak briefly to my loyal blog readers. When I started this blog three years ago, my purpose was to advocate for organ and tissue donation and freedom. In my last blog post of 2010,
I stated the blog would be different from 2011 forward by getting my focus away from politics and back to my original intent. Up until the last few weeks, I have stuck to that. Now, I realize I have reneged on that lately, but I have a good reason. Please allow me to explain.
Five years ago, I met Susan Lynn for the first time. Our first contact was due to similar political views. Since that time, I've become friends with her and her husband. They are good people. Susan is currently campaigning to return to the Tennessee Legislature. Over the last several weeks, she has been bombarded by one vicious, truth-distorting, dirty political attack after another. First by her opponent, then by a PAC with connections to her opponent through her opponent's allies. The re-prints of Susan's blog posts which have appeared here on The Sheepdog have been for one purpose - to share the truth. The truth is the only way to combat lies and distortions. If Susan's opponent would cease and desist
with the vicious, distorted attacks, I'd stop running these posts. Trust me, I'd much rather be blogging about something else. However, if the attacks from the "wolves" continue, I will continue helping and backing up my friend between now and the August 2nd Republican Primary. It's what
friends, and Sheepdogs, do.
For me, Susan's campaign is no longer about politics. It is about right vs. wrong and good vs. evil. It is more importantly about helping a friend. I think that is a concept we can all agree on whether we are Republican, Democrat, Independent, or politically indifferent. Friends help friends no matter what. So, I ask my readers to indulge me as I help Susan dispel another tacky, petty distortion.
I live in the
57th House District and I will live in the 57th House District when the new
district boundaries take effect on the night of the General Election, November
2, 2012.
Every ten years the US
Congressional, State Senate, State House, County Commission, City Commission
and School District boundaries are redrawn. It's constitutional - the premises is, one man one vote - each district is
to contain the same number of residents so that representation is proportional. Therefore, every
ten years, after the results of the US census are finalized, all of the above
districts are redistributed according to population.
The 2010 census results were finalized in 2011, and the elected
officials from each of the above offices got to re-draw their district lines
according to population and
perhaps other considerations as well. So this past Session the Tennessee General Assembly, House and
Senate, voted on their newly conceived
district boundaries which will take effect with the General Election in
November at midnight.
I live in the 57th district - I've lived here since moving to
south Mount Juliet in 1997, and I lived there the entire time I served in the House from
The 57th District map:
However, while my residence hasn’t recently changed, the new
57th District that will take effect in November will run behind my property leaving my home
on the other side in the 46th district. Therefore, upon winning the Primary Election, my husband and I
will establish residence within the upcoming legal boundaries before the
General Election.
The House members in the State Legislature were allowed to draw
their own district boundaries. According to Speaker Harwell's Chief of
Staff and the former Republican Caucus Chairman it was Linda Elam that chose to
draw me out of the upcoming new district boundaries.
I have to admit, I've been pretty amazed by accusations that I
do not live in the district.
For one, I do
currently live in the 57th District.The
new district boundaries do not take effect until midnight on General Election
night, November 2, 2012. No one can
speak to my family's plans. Secondly,
I have always trusted the voters; I believe they can sense when someone is
being disingenuous.
The next district boundaries are as
Side by side it is easier to see the difference.
The map below depicts my house in relation to the new
northern part of the county is still fairly rural. Taking a closer look,
you can see that the line jumps up from Coles Ferry Pike, a logical and natural boundary, and captures
our neighborhood and then heads back down to and along Coles Ferry before heading north again and encapsulating the
next subdivision before returning to Coles Ferry Pike and continuing.
It isn’t difficult to see that my home was placed just outside of
the next 57th District by encircling our neighborhood with the vacant subdivision land by departing from Coles Ferry Pike.
Again, the boundary zig zags from S. Cairo Bend, along Coles Ferry, then turns left on N Cairo Bend and
then heads right onto Rural road. It
follows the creek right behind my property back to Coles Ferry before continuing on Coles Ferry.
asked if this wasn't just following a natural boundary - I suppose he
meant the water - no, it is not. I live on Barton's Creek which is a
tributary off of Old Hickory Lake. The entire span of Old Hickory Lake
and Barton's creek is in the 57th District - in fact, if I could afford
to do so, I could live anywhere on the lake or creek in the entire
county because all of the waterway is in the district - except for
exactly where I live - it is the only part of the waterway not within
the new district boundaries.
Susan Lynn |
In late 2005, my family and I moved from the
Gladeville area (Poplar Ridge subdivision) to just east of SR 109 in order that
I could better serve the district. As you can see by the first map above,
part of the district is in Sumner County and Lebanon - there is just no easy way to get from where we lived in Gladeville (by the purple dot) to Sumner County. Our new proximity to SR 109 and I-40 made travel between Hendersonville, Gallatin, Lebanon and Mount Juliet much easier.
Since I was first elected ten years ago our
family has grown-up, our children are married and having children of
their own. My husband and I were
thinking of moving to a smaller home anyway.
We both look forward to the future and to me serving the people of the 57th
District once more.
with all of that said, I humbly ask for your vote in the Primary
Election on August 2nd and let me add that if anyone would like to buy a
family home on Barton’s Creek…just give me a call.
Most sincerely,
Susan Lynn