
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Steve Jobs hoppin' on on the organ donation advocacy bandwagon

A recent article in Business Week, Apple's Steve Jobs Urges Californians to Become Organ Donors, tells how Jobs is advocating for a new piece of legislation in California. The new law will establish the country's first national registry for living kidney donors. In addition, it will also require California DMV workers to ask anyone applying for a driver's license if they want to be an organ donor. Jobs believes the new law may "double the number of transplant organs available in the state.

Since the article goes on to say that over 400 Californians died while waiting for liver transplants in 2009 and 20,000 are currently awaiting life-saving organ transplants, I think we can all agree that doubling the amount of donated organs is a good thing. Now if we could get the numbers all across the country to increase like that. Man, what a difference it would make in the number of lives saved.
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