
Monday, October 11, 2010

Two twins - one an organ donor, the other a recipient

Jenny and Cristy Purky, 28, are twin sisters and best friends living in Spring Hill, TN. Cristy has always been healthy having never had surgery or stitches for any reason. Jenny, however, has not been so lucky. She began to have kidney problems at only 18 months of age. When she was 18 years old in 2001, she had her first kidney transplant and her mother was the donor.

According to an article, Outlook Positive After Woman Donates Kidney to Twin, which appeared on, the kidney donated by Jenny's mother began failing four years ago causing her to go on dialysis. On June 28, 2010, Jenny received her 2nd kidney transplant, but this time the donor was Cristy, her sister. Cristy was actually a better match for the 2001 transplant, but the family decided to save a possible donation from her for later since many kidney transplant patients often need more than one transplant. It appears they made a good choice.

There is no secret that there are many Americans like Cristy. Over 108,000 are currently awaiting life-saving organ transplants. The saddest part is that 19 of them die waiting each day. You, however, can help save lives. Please visit the Donate Life America website and click on "Commit to Donation" to find out how to become a life-saving organ donor in your state. Do it today. 
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