Wow - it's hard to believe my blog break, a.k.a. sabbatical, has lasted five months. A lot of the work on my new "project" is complete, but there is still some to go. However, the good news is that as I conclude 2011, the foundation is laid and the groundwork is proceeding nicely. It's even harder to believe that there are only a couple of days left in 2011. The year has flown by.
As 2011 winds down, I wanted to share the above update and give a preview of what 2012 holds for The Sheepdog. First of all, I'll resume blogging on Monday, January 2, 2012. Yes, the sabbatical is over, and there will be a few minor changes to the blog. However, one thing that will not change is the Music Mondays. They will continue for 2012 for two reasons - 1) I enjoy them, and 2) I've received notes and comments from many of you about how much you enjoy them, too. Plus, since most of us dislike Mondays, they are a fun way to start off the week. I'm even planning to post them early on Monday mornings so you can start your Monday off with some tunes. If you've signed up to receive my posts via e-mail, they'll be in your inbox first thing each Monday. If you're not signed up for my e-mails, you can do so in the left sidebar of this blog (just before you get to the Amazon banner). Then, you'll receive each of my posts right in your e-mail inbox.
I'm gonna tweak the Music Mondays a little, also. The second Monday of each month will contain a "double shot" of music. I'll run not one, but two videos those days. Plus, many of the Music Mondays will become "Metal Mondays" running videos by some of the bands I featured in 2011 plus a bunch of others that I have not shown before. In fact, I'll start off the new year on January 2nd with a video of one of the most popular hard rock / metal bands of the last 30 years. The January 2nd post's title will be "The Sheepdog's 'Back in _____'." Anybody want to venture a guess as to who the band is ? It'll just be a little taste of what's to come in 2012.
Second, in 2012, the blog format will change. 2011's format was Music Mondays, Transplant Tuesdays and Thursdays, Wild Wednesdays, and Freedom and Firearm Fridays. As I mentioned earlier, Music Mondays will continue, but the other four days of the week will all be "Wild" - they could be about anything from organ and tissue transplants, politics, sports, the outdoors, etc. Plus, I plan to post more original content in 2012 than what I have done previously. In fact, one of my first "originals" of 2012 will be my picks for the upcoming NFL playoffs and Super Bowl Champion. I'll run that next week. I'll pick the playoff results from start to finish. It'll be sure to get football fans talking as I'll pick the Wild Card Weekend winners, Divisional Playoff winners, Conference Championships, and even the winner of Super Bowl XLVI before the first NFL playoff game is played !! It could be interesting, and I'm sure I'll catch heck due to some of my picks. The question is - how will I do ? Last year, I picked 7 of 11 playoff games correctly. Of the 4 I missed, in 3 of them I picked against eventual Super Bowl Champion Packers. I won't make that mistake again. Or, will I ?
Third, I will not blog everyday, as I did in 2011, because my "new project" will demand much of my time. In regards to the "new project," I will end the suspense and make a formal announcement here on The Second Chance Sheepdog blog on Monday, February 27, 2012 as to what it is. I am very excited about it because it is something I feel led to do. I also believe it gives me an opportunity to make a difference in my local community, my state, and possibly even my country. I ask for your prayers for the Lord's wisdom, guidance, and the necessary resources as I begin this new endeavor. This is an announcement you will not want to miss. Be sure to stop by the blog that day to read all about it.
Until January 2nd - Happy New Year everyone !!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Reason for the Season
Jesus is Better than Santa
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh.
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year.
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies.
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited.
JESUS stands at your door and knocks ... and then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa.
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap.
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is, "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly.
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO.
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry."
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys.
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle, but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree,
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.
May the Lord Bless and watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2011, and may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year.
(The above was received via e-mail from a friend. The Sheepdog felt the truth in it was worth sharing.)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sheepdog sabbatical update #2 and Thanksgiving
Man, it's hard to believe it has been over a month since my last post and brief sabbatical update. The time has sure flown by. I guess it's because I've been busy, busy, busy. So, with the Thanksgiving holiday upon us tomorrow, I felt like this was a great time for another update.
First, back on August 19th, I ran an article about T.A.P.S. and the Marine Corps. Marathon. I shared about my friend Steve Mitchell and him running the marathon to honor his son Seth and raise money for T.A.P.S. in the process. I received an e-mail from Steve on November 2nd in which he shared the results of the marathon. His team raised over $14,000 for T.A.P.S., placing 2nd in team fundraising. Of that total, Steve raised $12,000 himself placing 3rd in individual fundraising. The total raised by participants in the Marine Marathon to benefit T.A.P.S. totaled over $200,000 !!!! Steve also improved his time completing the 26 miles in 5 hours 33 minutes which was 27 minutes faster than his 2010 time. The Sheepdog would like to offer his congratulations and thanks to Steve, T.A.P.S., and the other marathon participants for all they do to help the families of America's heroes who have given all for our country.
Second, in my last update, I shared that the work on my new project was going rather slow. Well, I'm happy to report that things are now starting to come together. The two key pieces I mentioned in that update are now in place, and I am confident and encouraged that things are moving in the right direction. My initial goal was to roll the "project" out with a big announcement by the end of the year. However, in order to to it right, I now believe that a more reasonable goal is to do so during the first quarter of 2012.
Third, the Sheepdog has taken some time to have a little fun. Back on October 17th, my buddy Gary and I did some fall turkey hunting. About 8:30 that morning, we stumbled upon a flock of about 15 birds. I shot the one closest and the rest flew off. We quickly recovered the bird and sat down over in a hedgerow. We let everything quiet down and settle for about 15 minutes, and then I began clucking and purring. An hour after shooting the first bird, the same flock wondered out of the woods in front of us again. They started toward the three turkey decoys and then stopped, turned around, and headed back toward the woods. They knew something was up, but it was too late. I dropped the last one in line just before it got into the woods. Yum, yum. Gonna be good eating. That was a neat day. My first turkey double (see pic at right). As I sat there in the field looking at those two birds, I could feel my heart pounding, and I thought about my donor, Kent. He and the Lord's Grace had made that day possible. I didn't take it for granted.
As Thanksgiving arrives tomorrow, I ask - what are you thankful for ? What do you take for granted ? Since it's my fifth Thanksgiving since my heart transplant, the first thing I'm thankful for is each heartbeat and breath, and ..... I don't take any of them for granted.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
First, back on August 19th, I ran an article about T.A.P.S. and the Marine Corps. Marathon. I shared about my friend Steve Mitchell and him running the marathon to honor his son Seth and raise money for T.A.P.S. in the process. I received an e-mail from Steve on November 2nd in which he shared the results of the marathon. His team raised over $14,000 for T.A.P.S., placing 2nd in team fundraising. Of that total, Steve raised $12,000 himself placing 3rd in individual fundraising. The total raised by participants in the Marine Marathon to benefit T.A.P.S. totaled over $200,000 !!!! Steve also improved his time completing the 26 miles in 5 hours 33 minutes which was 27 minutes faster than his 2010 time. The Sheepdog would like to offer his congratulations and thanks to Steve, T.A.P.S., and the other marathon participants for all they do to help the families of America's heroes who have given all for our country.
Second, in my last update, I shared that the work on my new project was going rather slow. Well, I'm happy to report that things are now starting to come together. The two key pieces I mentioned in that update are now in place, and I am confident and encouraged that things are moving in the right direction. My initial goal was to roll the "project" out with a big announcement by the end of the year. However, in order to to it right, I now believe that a more reasonable goal is to do so during the first quarter of 2012.
Third, the Sheepdog has taken some time to have a little fun. Back on October 17th, my buddy Gary and I did some fall turkey hunting. About 8:30 that morning, we stumbled upon a flock of about 15 birds. I shot the one closest and the rest flew off. We quickly recovered the bird and sat down over in a hedgerow. We let everything quiet down and settle for about 15 minutes, and then I began clucking and purring. An hour after shooting the first bird, the same flock wondered out of the woods in front of us again. They started toward the three turkey decoys and then stopped, turned around, and headed back toward the woods. They knew something was up, but it was too late. I dropped the last one in line just before it got into the woods. Yum, yum. Gonna be good eating. That was a neat day. My first turkey double (see pic at right). As I sat there in the field looking at those two birds, I could feel my heart pounding, and I thought about my donor, Kent. He and the Lord's Grace had made that day possible. I didn't take it for granted.
As Thanksgiving arrives tomorrow, I ask - what are you thankful for ? What do you take for granted ? Since it's my fifth Thanksgiving since my heart transplant, the first thing I'm thankful for is each heartbeat and breath, and ..... I don't take any of them for granted.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Monday, October 10, 2011
A brief interruption to Sheepdog sabbatical
Dear Tennessee Titans,
I trust you had a safe, but somber, trip home yesterday. The good news is that the 38-17 embarrassment you received at the hand of the Steelers did produce something positive. Think about it. Since they have beaten you three years in a row, 4 of the last 5 games, and now lead the all-time series 44-30, you guys have something in common with the 6 Lombardi and 8 Lamar Hunt Trophies in our trophy case - WE OWN YOU !!
For that reason, and out of the goodness of my heart, I have reserved a nice, cushy spot for you to reside in within that same trophy case. Best of all, it's right beside the Steelers' Lombardi Trophies !! Aren't you excited !! Finally, you have the opportunity to touch one and get to know it. I figure it's as close as you will ever get to having one of your own. I hope you do not waste this opportunity to make a new friend. And, .... you don't have to thank me. It's the least I can do to help you deal with your grief.
Lastly, I believe it is time to replace the "Welcome to the Great State of Tennessee" signs that are located on I-40, 24, and 65 where they enter your state. Since we own you, "Welcome to Steeler Country" signs would be much more appropriate. If you'll have Gov. Haslam contact Mr. Rooney to make the arrangements, I'm sure the Rooney Family will be more than happy to foot the bill for the new signs. I know times are tough, in more ways than one, in the state of Tennessee, so it's the least we can do.
Kindest regards,
The Terrible Towel
P.S. If you're looking for someone to blame for yesterday, you don't have to look any further than Lindale White and Jevon Kearse. Yes, I know they don't play for you anymore, but we haven't forgotten the events of December 21, 2008.
P.P.S. Maybe you guys should have kept Jeff Fisher. Just sayin'.
I trust you had a safe, but somber, trip home yesterday. The good news is that the 38-17 embarrassment you received at the hand of the Steelers did produce something positive. Think about it. Since they have beaten you three years in a row, 4 of the last 5 games, and now lead the all-time series 44-30, you guys have something in common with the 6 Lombardi and 8 Lamar Hunt Trophies in our trophy case - WE OWN YOU !!
For that reason, and out of the goodness of my heart, I have reserved a nice, cushy spot for you to reside in within that same trophy case. Best of all, it's right beside the Steelers' Lombardi Trophies !! Aren't you excited !! Finally, you have the opportunity to touch one and get to know it. I figure it's as close as you will ever get to having one of your own. I hope you do not waste this opportunity to make a new friend. And, .... you don't have to thank me. It's the least I can do to help you deal with your grief.
Lastly, I believe it is time to replace the "Welcome to the Great State of Tennessee" signs that are located on I-40, 24, and 65 where they enter your state. Since we own you, "Welcome to Steeler Country" signs would be much more appropriate. If you'll have Gov. Haslam contact Mr. Rooney to make the arrangements, I'm sure the Rooney Family will be more than happy to foot the bill for the new signs. I know times are tough, in more ways than one, in the state of Tennessee, so it's the least we can do.
Kindest regards,
The Terrible Towel
P.S. If you're looking for someone to blame for yesterday, you don't have to look any further than Lindale White and Jevon Kearse. Yes, I know they don't play for you anymore, but we haven't forgotten the events of December 21, 2008.
P.P.S. Maybe you guys should have kept Jeff Fisher. Just sayin'.
Related articles
- Tennessee Titans: Why Tennessee Should Stay Away from Terrible Towels (
- Steelers vs. Titans: 10 Observations from the Titan-ic Week 5 Victory (
- Redman, Dwyer revive Pittsburgh running game (
- Steelers bounce back, rip Titans 38-17 (
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sheepdog sabbatical update #1
Today marks four weeks since I began my "Sheepdog Sabbatical" from this blog, so I thought I'd post an update. I'm happy to report that I am making some progress on getting the "new project" off the ground. However, the progress is inching along slower than I anticipated. I'm beginning to wonder if the slow pace is the Lord's way of teaching me patience and encouraging me to wait on Him.
I know I am heading in the right direction and that things will move more quickly once two key pieces of the "project" are in place. I also know that it is a worthy endeavor with great potential for making a good, needed, and lasting difference in my community, my state, and the country I love that has given me so much. I am a very blessed man and know without a shadow of a doubt that I would not be alive today and have this opportunity if I had been born anywhere but the U.S.A.
I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to move forward. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
I know I am heading in the right direction and that things will move more quickly once two key pieces of the "project" are in place. I also know that it is a worthy endeavor with great potential for making a good, needed, and lasting difference in my community, my state, and the country I love that has given me so much. I am a very blessed man and know without a shadow of a doubt that I would not be alive today and have this opportunity if I had been born anywhere but the U.S.A.
I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to move forward. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Transplants and Politics
As I mentioned on Monday, today's post will be the last one here on The Sheepdog for a while. I'm gonna take a break, a "Sheepdog Sabbatical," to begin working on a new project in order to get up and running with it as soon as possible. However, before I sign-off for a while, I want to follow up on some posts I did several months ago. This is a post I've been meaning to do for a while, but I wanted to follow the story a little longer to see how it played out. Plus, it just didn't seem the time was quite right for running it. However, with the sabbatical beginning a new chapter for me, I feel like today's the day.
Folks who have been following my blog for a while remember me "raising cain" over a decision made by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (pictured upper right) and the state's legislature last year (click here to read earlier posts about Jan Brewer). Those jokers cut funding for organ transplants covered by the state's Medicaid program, officially named the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), from the state's budget effective October 1, 2010. Specifically, the decision ended AHCCCS coverage of transplants for anyone 21 and older. It left 100 of the state's sickest residents unable to pay for their life-saving transplants if a match was found for them. In fact, two of those 100 died without getting the transplants needed after the atrocious decision was made.
Gov. Brewer and the Arizona legislature decided to cut the transplant funding due to the state's budget crisis. Brewer even went further by saying the funding was cut because, in her opinion, transplants don't work. Do what ? Other state and local governments currently find themselves in similar situations. However, the transplant funding cut only amounted to a little over $1 million. The state's projected budget deficit at that time was a little over a $1 Billion. Therefore, the cut to transplant funding amounted to only ... are ya ready for this ... approximately 1/1000th of 1% or .001% of the projected budget deficit. In other words, if I had a $1000 per month budget for household expenses but decided to cut that budget to only $999 per month, that would be the equivalent of how much Arizona was "saving" by cutting the transplant funding from AHCCCS. Another way of looking at it is that two Arizonians died in order to save $1 out of every $1000 spent by the Arizona government. Apparently, that's what a human life is worth in Arizona. The really troubling thing, though, is that the state left funding for a new coliseum roof, the study of algae, and other pork projects amounting to millions of taxpayer dollars in the budget. I guess "pork" is more important than people. I'd hate to think that this "budget cut" wasn't about saving money but rather due to a lack of concern for the poor and sick in Arizona. However, that appears to be the case.
Back in the spring, due to public outcry by the people of Arizona and elsewhere across the country, reports began to surface that Gov. Brewer and members of the Arizona legislature were looking for a way to restore the transplant funding. The truth is, though, that the members of the legislature who were trying to find a solution were the Democrats. Gov. Brewer and the Republicans killed those proposals on multiple occasions. Finally, around the first of April, it was announced that Gov. Brewer and the legislature had restored the AHCCCS transplant funding. However, a closer look showed that wasn't necessarily true, either, and even if it was, Gov. Brewer's three-pronged solution was gonna leave other Arizonians enrolled in AHCCCS as the ones paying the price.
First, Gov. Brewer asked The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services for permission to eliminate $500 Million of Federal funds from AHCCCS. Then, she would restore the transplant funding and not allow new enrollments of childless adults and others into AHCCCS. Doing this would prevent 160,000 Arizonians from being eligible to enroll. In addition, some 200,000 others would be forced to pay higher co-pays and other fees if they wanted to keep their coverage. Brewer's proposal would make transplant patients look like the bad guy - they would get coverage while nearly 400,000 others wouldn't. I guess this is her way of "CYA'ing." It's stupid logic if you ask me. You screw 400,000 to save 100. Aren't 400,000 votes more than 100 ? She ain't the sharpest tack in the box. Oh, and did I mention that the legislature passed, and she signed a huge corporate tax cut ? Sorry. I forgot to mention that. Wanna guess the total amount of the cut ? It was $538 Million. Hey, didn't she ask HHS to cut $500 Million from AHCCCS ? Wow. That tax cut would've covered that $500 Million Medicaid cut. Imagine that. Must be election time.
Secondly, the actual language in the new budget was so vague that it does not automatically restore transplant funding to AHCCCS. It only says that the legislature "intends" to restore it "within available appropriations." In politician speak, it basically means that the money will be available to AHCCCS if the governor and the legislature don't have something else they would rather spend it on. Furthermore, if the funds are available, the transplant program is still only going to be funded through June 30, 2013. I guess they think that starting in July 2013 no one else in Arizona will ever need a transplant. Dang, if Arizona politicians are that good at prognosticating, I sure wish they'd help me out by telling me the next set of winning Powerball numbers.
Thirdly, Arizona's politicians have proposed a so-called "Fat Tax" to help curb the state's budget problems. It would mean charging a $50 tax on childless adults who are obese that do not abide by "a doctor-ordered weight-loss plan," are smokers, or not following a proper treatment regimen for a chronic illness, such as diabetes. The first problem I have with this "Fat Tax" is that it's discriminatory. It specifically targets "childless adults." What's the deal ? Does the state think adults who do not have children for one reason or another are bad or worthless people ? The other problem I have with it that it applies to people considered "obese." If the goal is to "encourage" or "nudge" people into healthier lifestyles (Cass Sunstein would be so proud), why are they only targeting folks considered "obese " ? Some people who are overweight have other underlying health problems that contribute to their obesity. The problem could be genetic and not a component of their lifestyle. Besides, who's gonna determine what "obese" is ? Is it gonna be some government bureaucrat or a doctor ? Furthermore, if the state is actually wanting to punish or discourage unhealthy lifestyles, they should have treated everyone fairly by placing the same "tax" on others, too, such as people who drink alcohol. But of course, they're are not gonna do that because it would hack off some of their largest campaign contributors, and they're more important than the "little people."
I first posted about Arizona's transplant funding cuts back on December 16, 2010. That day, I was pretty hot about the whole deal, and it still disturbs me. In that original post, I predicted that if these type of cuts were allowed to be made in Arizona, it was only a matter of time until similar cuts would happen in other states. Unfortunately, my prediction is coming true. The state of North Carolina is currently considering similar cuts. Last year, the state cut over $350 Billion from The Division of Medical Assistance, and they are needing to cut more. It may led to transplants being limited and the elimination of dental care, hearing aid coverage, mental health treatment, and home health care for thousands of North Carolinians. In addition, last night on the local news, it was reported that huge cuts may be forthcoming for the state of Tennessee if Congress makes significant cuts in the amount of Federal funds sent to the states. It includes a possible $2 Trillion cut from TennCare, the state's Medicaid program. A $2 Trillion cut to TennCare would have devastating effects on Tennessee's poor and residents considered "un-insurable." I suggest Governor Bill Haslam and the legislature put a reasonable plan together to make sure these folks are provided for. Otherwise, they'll be hearing a lot from The Sheepdog and others in The Volunteer State in the months to come.
As I wrap this post up and begin my break, I want to give notice to the wolves out there, such as Jan Brewer. Even though The Sheepdog is on sabbatical, his eyes and ears are always open and his mind is analyzing what's going on. I can always take a quick break from my break and hop back on the blog to report what I see. I guess it would be my version of, "I'll make ya famous," as Billy the Kid's character in the movie Young Guns would often say. I encourage you jokers to be on your best behavior.
I know today's post has been rather long. However, I felt like this issue was worth following up on and visiting again. I, for one, am sick and tired of uncaring, selfish politicians who only worry about getting re-elected. They were hired, by us, to serve us - not themselves. It's high time that they got their priorities straight, stopped wasting our tax dollars on pet pork projects, and starting having some respect for human life. Personally, I'm beginning to think that maybe it's time for some transplant recipients, cancer survivors, heart attack survivors, and others with what could be considered chronic health conditions, who are now able to live fairly normal lives, to run for and get elected to political office. Then, we'd have some public servants representing us that understand how precious life and health really are. It's something we as a group need to give a lot of thought, prayer, and consideration to. Then, one of us who is courageous, bold, well-spoken, and not afraid of anything needs to go for it. That person must be one who will not compromise their values and one that people will get behind and work hard for in order to put them in office. That person or persons are out there, it's time for them to step up.
Well, all that being said, it's time for The Sheepdog to cut out of here and hit the trail to work on his new "project." I'll see y'all and update later in the fall.
Source articles include -
Gov. Brewer and the Arizona legislature decided to cut the transplant funding due to the state's budget crisis. Brewer even went further by saying the funding was cut because, in her opinion, transplants don't work. Do what ? Other state and local governments currently find themselves in similar situations. However, the transplant funding cut only amounted to a little over $1 million. The state's projected budget deficit at that time was a little over a $1 Billion. Therefore, the cut to transplant funding amounted to only ... are ya ready for this ... approximately 1/1000th of 1% or .001% of the projected budget deficit. In other words, if I had a $1000 per month budget for household expenses but decided to cut that budget to only $999 per month, that would be the equivalent of how much Arizona was "saving" by cutting the transplant funding from AHCCCS. Another way of looking at it is that two Arizonians died in order to save $1 out of every $1000 spent by the Arizona government. Apparently, that's what a human life is worth in Arizona. The really troubling thing, though, is that the state left funding for a new coliseum roof, the study of algae, and other pork projects amounting to millions of taxpayer dollars in the budget. I guess "pork" is more important than people. I'd hate to think that this "budget cut" wasn't about saving money but rather due to a lack of concern for the poor and sick in Arizona. However, that appears to be the case.
Back in the spring, due to public outcry by the people of Arizona and elsewhere across the country, reports began to surface that Gov. Brewer and members of the Arizona legislature were looking for a way to restore the transplant funding. The truth is, though, that the members of the legislature who were trying to find a solution were the Democrats. Gov. Brewer and the Republicans killed those proposals on multiple occasions. Finally, around the first of April, it was announced that Gov. Brewer and the legislature had restored the AHCCCS transplant funding. However, a closer look showed that wasn't necessarily true, either, and even if it was, Gov. Brewer's three-pronged solution was gonna leave other Arizonians enrolled in AHCCCS as the ones paying the price.
Secondly, the actual language in the new budget was so vague that it does not automatically restore transplant funding to AHCCCS. It only says that the legislature "intends" to restore it "within available appropriations." In politician speak, it basically means that the money will be available to AHCCCS if the governor and the legislature don't have something else they would rather spend it on. Furthermore, if the funds are available, the transplant program is still only going to be funded through June 30, 2013. I guess they think that starting in July 2013 no one else in Arizona will ever need a transplant. Dang, if Arizona politicians are that good at prognosticating, I sure wish they'd help me out by telling me the next set of winning Powerball numbers.
Thirdly, Arizona's politicians have proposed a so-called "Fat Tax" to help curb the state's budget problems. It would mean charging a $50 tax on childless adults who are obese that do not abide by "a doctor-ordered weight-loss plan," are smokers, or not following a proper treatment regimen for a chronic illness, such as diabetes. The first problem I have with this "Fat Tax" is that it's discriminatory. It specifically targets "childless adults." What's the deal ? Does the state think adults who do not have children for one reason or another are bad or worthless people ? The other problem I have with it that it applies to people considered "obese." If the goal is to "encourage" or "nudge" people into healthier lifestyles (Cass Sunstein would be so proud), why are they only targeting folks considered "obese " ? Some people who are overweight have other underlying health problems that contribute to their obesity. The problem could be genetic and not a component of their lifestyle. Besides, who's gonna determine what "obese" is ? Is it gonna be some government bureaucrat or a doctor ? Furthermore, if the state is actually wanting to punish or discourage unhealthy lifestyles, they should have treated everyone fairly by placing the same "tax" on others, too, such as people who drink alcohol. But of course, they're are not gonna do that because it would hack off some of their largest campaign contributors, and they're more important than the "little people."
I first posted about Arizona's transplant funding cuts back on December 16, 2010. That day, I was pretty hot about the whole deal, and it still disturbs me. In that original post, I predicted that if these type of cuts were allowed to be made in Arizona, it was only a matter of time until similar cuts would happen in other states. Unfortunately, my prediction is coming true. The state of North Carolina is currently considering similar cuts. Last year, the state cut over $350 Billion from The Division of Medical Assistance, and they are needing to cut more. It may led to transplants being limited and the elimination of dental care, hearing aid coverage, mental health treatment, and home health care for thousands of North Carolinians. In addition, last night on the local news, it was reported that huge cuts may be forthcoming for the state of Tennessee if Congress makes significant cuts in the amount of Federal funds sent to the states. It includes a possible $2 Trillion cut from TennCare, the state's Medicaid program. A $2 Trillion cut to TennCare would have devastating effects on Tennessee's poor and residents considered "un-insurable." I suggest Governor Bill Haslam and the legislature put a reasonable plan together to make sure these folks are provided for. Otherwise, they'll be hearing a lot from The Sheepdog and others in The Volunteer State in the months to come.
As I wrap this post up and begin my break, I want to give notice to the wolves out there, such as Jan Brewer. Even though The Sheepdog is on sabbatical, his eyes and ears are always open and his mind is analyzing what's going on. I can always take a quick break from my break and hop back on the blog to report what I see. I guess it would be my version of, "I'll make ya famous," as Billy the Kid's character in the movie Young Guns would often say. I encourage you jokers to be on your best behavior.
I know today's post has been rather long. However, I felt like this issue was worth following up on and visiting again. I, for one, am sick and tired of uncaring, selfish politicians who only worry about getting re-elected. They were hired, by us, to serve us - not themselves. It's high time that they got their priorities straight, stopped wasting our tax dollars on pet pork projects, and starting having some respect for human life. Personally, I'm beginning to think that maybe it's time for some transplant recipients, cancer survivors, heart attack survivors, and others with what could be considered chronic health conditions, who are now able to live fairly normal lives, to run for and get elected to political office. Then, we'd have some public servants representing us that understand how precious life and health really are. It's something we as a group need to give a lot of thought, prayer, and consideration to. Then, one of us who is courageous, bold, well-spoken, and not afraid of anything needs to go for it. That person must be one who will not compromise their values and one that people will get behind and work hard for in order to put them in office. That person or persons are out there, it's time for them to step up.
Well, all that being said, it's time for The Sheepdog to cut out of here and hit the trail to work on his new "project." I'll see y'all and update later in the fall.
Source articles include -
- from - Brewer Reconsiders Organ Transplants
- from - Brewer Needs Scolding for Cynicism on Transplant Funding
- from - Arizona Media Misleads on Restoration of Organ Transplant Funds
- from - Brewer Says Transplant Funding is Back; Dems Not Convinced
- from - Arizona Restores Transplant Funding
- from - Restoration of Funds Welcome for Transplants
- from - Some Transplant Patients Can't Breathe a Sigh of Relief
- from - Arizona's Brewer Prays Before Taking on Her Own Party Over Taxes
- from - Man Has Liver, Kidney Transplant, Hopes for AHCCCS' Help
- from - Arizona's Fat Tax Punishes the Poor
- from -NC Committee Hears Options for Extra Medicaid Cuts as Approval Delays Raise Impact of $1B Loss-Forum
Related articles
- Medicaid Cuts: GOP Governors Fight Against Federal Rules In Budget Clashes (
- Medicaid Ruling Expected (
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
HUGE Heart Transplant Technology Breakthrough
Thanks to a great, new breakthrough in heart transplant technology, Rob Evans' recent heart transplant was different from mine and thousands of others. When Rob's donor heart arrived at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, it was not chilled and in a cooler like most donated organs. It was warm and still beating with the donor's blood and oxygen still coursing through it (see video by clicking here).
Rob's transplant was part of an on-going medical trial of an organ-preservation system in which donor hearts are kept in a "delivery box" which very closely mimics their natural environment within the human body. The new technology, called the Organ Care System (OCS), has the potential to actually save lives by :
- improving the functioning of donor hearts,
- allowing transplant teams to better assess donor hearts,
- allowing transplant teams to identify potential tissue-matching issues heading off future rejection, and
- increasing the shelf-life of donor hearts.
The potential for the OCS is limitless. It could one day be expanded from donor hearts into other donated organs, too. The success of the trial could mean saving countless lives that otherwise would become another statistic. Personally, I'll be praying that the OCS trial is successful, and I hope you'll join me. It could mean the difference between life and death for many of our fellow Americans.
And yes, this news has me pumped !!
Source : article on titled Patient's Life Saving Donor Heart Arrives 'Warm and Beating' Inside Experimental Device
Wife Saves Hubby
Josh Londre recently received a kidney transplant and a second chance at life. He got a second chance to grow old with his wife and two children he loves dearly. After three years on the transplant waiting list, the neatest thing about Josh's story is that his wife, Valerie, is the one who provided him that second chance by being a living kidney donor.
Josh's doctors referred to Valerie as "the perfect match." I suspect Josh would wholeheartedly agree. Both of them are home from the hospital doing well but neither can work for several months until they fully recover. The big problem is that their bills are piling up and Josh's anti-rejection meds are very expensive. If you'd like to make a donation to help them out, you can do so by visiting I'm sure they will be extremely grateful.
Source : article on titled Wife Gives Husband Her Kidney
Harris Co., TX Sheriff's Office Promoting Organ Donation
The HCSO knows firsthand the positive impact organ donation can have on someone's life. One of their own's, Detention Officer Sgt. Vickie Bratcher, life was saved by a kidney transplant allowing her to spend more time with her family. In regards to the HCSO's decision to join the program, LifeGift president and CEO Sam Holtzman said, "The Sheriff's support is fitting in an organization that knows all too well about making sacrifices for the well-being of others." I'd like to add to that by saying that the Sheriff's support is a perfect example of what more public servants should be doing - actually serving the community.
Source : article on titled Harris County Sheriff's Office Commits to Save Lives - This Time Through Organ Donation
Monday, August 29, 2011
Mandisa's "Stronger" - the prelude to a sabbatical
Today's Music Monday will be the last one for a while. For the last 18 months or so, The Sheepdog has been doing a lot of praying, thinking, and seeking the Lord's direction. Over the last several weeks, I've come to the conclusion that he is leading me to begin a new project - a new chapter in my life. It's one that will require a lot of work and some sacrifice but will make a difference. I'll share more about that at a later date.
Therefore, at the end of August (Wednesday), I will be taking a "Sheepdog Sabbatical" to begin work on that project. I ask for my readers prayers during that time. I do not know if the sabbatical will last for a month, two, or several. However, I will be back, but for now, let's get to some good music.
Today's music and video is one from Contemporary Christian artist Mandisa. Her career really took off after appearing on American Idol. I don't think anyone can argue that she doesn't have a great voice. The message she delivers in today's featured song, "Stronger" from her 2011 album titled What If We Were Real, is one of encouragement and strength. "Stronger" is also Mandisa's 2nd number one single. It reached the top slot on June 18, 2011 and remains there.
I felt this song was the one to run today. It just seems like the perfect tune for a prelude to my break away from blogging because times are tough. The economy's in bad shape with no improvement in sight. Americans are struggling financially, some are having health problems, and some have relationships in trouble. I pray this song provides some encouragement. The video and music can be enjoyed by clicking here. I'll be back tomorrow and Wednesday and then begin the break. Until then .....
Therefore, at the end of August (Wednesday), I will be taking a "Sheepdog Sabbatical" to begin work on that project. I ask for my readers prayers during that time. I do not know if the sabbatical will last for a month, two, or several. However, I will be back, but for now, let's get to some good music.
Today's music and video is one from Contemporary Christian artist Mandisa. Her career really took off after appearing on American Idol. I don't think anyone can argue that she doesn't have a great voice. The message she delivers in today's featured song, "Stronger" from her 2011 album titled What If We Were Real, is one of encouragement and strength. "Stronger" is also Mandisa's 2nd number one single. It reached the top slot on June 18, 2011 and remains there.
I felt this song was the one to run today. It just seems like the perfect tune for a prelude to my break away from blogging because times are tough. The economy's in bad shape with no improvement in sight. Americans are struggling financially, some are having health problems, and some have relationships in trouble. I pray this song provides some encouragement. The video and music can be enjoyed by clicking here. I'll be back tomorrow and Wednesday and then begin the break. Until then .....
Related articles
- Music to Uplift You (
- Presenting Your First Photo Of Mr. And Mrs. Ben Roethlisberger [Vows] (
Friday, August 26, 2011
Case Closed
Back on August 9th, I received one of the most interesting, politically based e-mails I've ever received. In fact, it was rather comical because the words therein provided evidence backing up some of the points I've made time and time again. I should probably thank them. After "ruminating" on it, as my buddy Dale likes to say, for a couple of weeks, I thought I'd share a portion of the newsletter with you and then add a little commentary.
The portion of the e-mail newsletter that I want to call your attention to is the part titled "The Myth of the Independent Voter" and it's from the August 2011 Wilson County Tea Party Newsletter (you can link to it on their site by clicking here). The excerpt said :
Still consider yourself to be an 'Independent' at this point ? You're not paying attention." (August 2011 Wilson County Tea Party Newsletter, section titled "The Myth of the Independent Voter")
My initial reaction was, "Not paying attention, huh ? Perhaps it is you who isn't 'paying attention' ?" It also occurred to me that the ideas and viewpoints expressed in the newsletter portion show exactly the kind of thinking that has wrecked the U.S. political system. I've made the point many times on this blog that for too long, we have blindly walked into the voting booth and looked for the "R" or "D" by a candidate's name and then pushed the applicable button. We've done it without knowing their stance on the issues or their voting record. We've voted for a "party" instead of the ideals we hold dear. By doing this, we've sold out the principles and values we believe in and that our country was founded on for the sake of "the party." It has to stop.
The quoted newsletter portion did get a couple of things correct. First, it correctly described the different political views of Liberals and Conservatives. Second, it accurately reflected the three main political mindsets - Liberals, Conservatives, and Moderates. However, it's accuracy pretty much ends there. The referenced portion struck me as basically a partisan piece of political propaganda that infers that as a voter you have to be a Democrat or a Republican. You can't be anything else. That's un-American in that it tells you how you must vote. Such a viewpoint throws freedom of thought and freedom of speech out the window. It's just like Liberals who support freedom of speech except when they disagree with what you're saying. In that case, they want you to "sit down and shut up." I was under the impression that the tea party groups supported freedom of speech and thought ? Hmmm. Maybe I'm confused.
Furthermore, the referenced portion implies that all Democrats are Liberal Lefties and all Republicans are Conservatives. Nothing could be father from the truth. There are many Republicans that are as Liberal as Democrats. I could list them, but I'd be typing for the rest of the weekend. In addition, there is the implication that all Independents are moderates, or fence sitters, Once again, untrue. Some Independents may be moderates, but some Democrats and Republicans consider themselves to be moderates, too. Heck, there are many voters who call themselves Independents who are far more conservative than any Republican ever thought about being.
I guess the thing that really jumped out at me as I read is the lack of understanding of U.S. politics. The number of voters registered as Democrats or Republicans do NOT determine the outcome of our elections. Just ask anyone who has studied Political Science. It is a well established fact that the American electorate is about one-third Democrat, one-third Republican, and the other third consider themselves Independents. It is these Independents that decide the outcome of elections. Often, an Independent is not a moderate or someone who sits on the fence. They are voters who have simply chosen not to affiliate with one of the major parties for any number of reasons. Oftentimes, it is because they used to be a member of one of the major parties but became "disgruntled" with it. In other cases, it could be that an Independent may tend to vote Democrat but not call themselves a Democrat because they don't agree with some parts of the Democratic platform. Take gun control for instance. I know some people who tend to vote for Democrats but are firearm enthusiasts who completely disagree with the Democratic Party's desire for more gun control. Others are Independents because they think that some Democrats are too liberal while others aren't liberal enough. Other Independents, such as myself, may tend to vote Republican. However, we have chosen not to brand ourselves as Republicans because some Republicans are too liberal or moderate and not conservative enough. This is where I find myself. I believe that most Republicans aren't conservative enough. Simply put, Independents generally vote for issues, NOT parties. That's basic Political Science 101.
In an earlier blog post, I made the point that some of the tea party groups are giving the Lefty Democrats evidence to support their claim that "the tea party is nothing more than a wing of the Republican Party." The newsletter excerpt makes that point for me, too, by providing more evidence to support the Lefties claim. However, in my opinion, the most disturbing thing about the newsletter is what's not said. The Chairman of the Wilson Co. Tea Party (WCTP) is Sherrie Orange. Earlier in the year, she was appointed to the Wilson Co. Election Commission. I'm not sure if Ms. Orange actually writes these newsletters, but nevertheless she is in charge of the WCTP. In my opinion, the lack of political understanding shown in the newsletter could make one wonder why she, the WCTP Chairperson, was appointed as an election commissioner. Who appoints these people anyway ? Isn't it done by an elected representative from that district ? Who could that be ? Could it have been State Senator Beavers ? I wonder who would know.
Anyway, based upon the newsletter, the appointment doesn't make any sense. Or, ..... does it ?
I love it when people make my case for me.
The portion of the e-mail newsletter that I want to call your attention to is the part titled "The Myth of the Independent Voter" and it's from the August 2011 Wilson County Tea Party Newsletter (you can link to it on their site by clicking here). The excerpt said :
"I think that most of you would agree that the two political parties are further apart in ideology today more than ever.
The left supports monstrous growth in government coupled with restrictive states' rights, higher taxes, unbridled debt, redistribution of wealth, expansion of the welfare state, class warfare, judicial activism, a weakened defense, intense government regulation and the rights and desires of the collective rather than those of the individual. The left is against the execution of violent criminals but strongly supports the abortion of innocent babies. They want religion visually removed from every corner of our society and tried to regulate speech they oppose. The left believes that America must apologize for her strength and view America's exceptionalism as 'greed' and 'arrogance'. They believe that the Constitution is an ever-changing document - one that should be changed to cater to the whims of the politically powerful - rather than a document that should be revered and provide the core structure of our government.
On the other side of the spectrum are Conservative values. They believe in smaller government in which individuals are allowed to keep as much of their earnings as possible and they support the rights of the individual. They believe that the out-of-control debt is detrimental to our future and freedom and realize that we must live within our financial means. They support states' rights and believe that hard work is the basis for wealth. They believe that the welfare state, although needed for the truly poor and disadvantaged, is destructive and addictive and that class warfare should not be part of our culture. They believe in a strong defense, limited government regulation, the free market and adherence to the Constitution. They believe in American exceptionalism. Conservatives believe that innocent babies should be protected while supporting deserved punishments for violent criminal offenders who have made repeated destructive life decisions. They strongly support the Constitution as the cornerstone of our government and judiciary and believe that this precious document should not be changed by a group of non-elected judicial activists nor is meant to be changed on a whim.
So how could someone truly place themselves ideologically in the 'middle' since the path that each of the two major political parties would like to take is starkly opposite?
You have to wonder if 'Independents' know what type of 'change' they really desire ? In the recent debt ceiling debate, for instance, it was not possible to support fiscal responsibility while supporting higher taxes coupled with higher spending - the plan of the left. Increased spending when the spending is based on a borrowed dollar is NOT fiscally responsible. In addition, increased spending when you are forcibly taking money from a hard working American to give to another is not morally or fiscally responsible.
So, what is an 'Independent' voter ?
Many years ago, it might have been possible to support the ideological middle. But now, no, it is not. The sides are polar opposites.
You may find yourself on one side of the spectrum while supporting one or two issues from the other side but, unfortunately, your vote translates to 'all or nothing' support of the agenda of one side or the other.
There is no middle.
Most of us have a hard set of core values and beliefs that guide us through our lives. These beliefs help us determine which stance we'll take on all issues in our life. Therefore, if you are aware of your core values and you understand the differences between the two major political parties, you cannot be an 'Independent'.
My initial reaction was, "Not paying attention, huh ? Perhaps it is you who isn't 'paying attention' ?" It also occurred to me that the ideas and viewpoints expressed in the newsletter portion show exactly the kind of thinking that has wrecked the U.S. political system. I've made the point many times on this blog that for too long, we have blindly walked into the voting booth and looked for the "R" or "D" by a candidate's name and then pushed the applicable button. We've done it without knowing their stance on the issues or their voting record. We've voted for a "party" instead of the ideals we hold dear. By doing this, we've sold out the principles and values we believe in and that our country was founded on for the sake of "the party." It has to stop.
The quoted newsletter portion did get a couple of things correct. First, it correctly described the different political views of Liberals and Conservatives. Second, it accurately reflected the three main political mindsets - Liberals, Conservatives, and Moderates. However, it's accuracy pretty much ends there. The referenced portion struck me as basically a partisan piece of political propaganda that infers that as a voter you have to be a Democrat or a Republican. You can't be anything else. That's un-American in that it tells you how you must vote. Such a viewpoint throws freedom of thought and freedom of speech out the window. It's just like Liberals who support freedom of speech except when they disagree with what you're saying. In that case, they want you to "sit down and shut up." I was under the impression that the tea party groups supported freedom of speech and thought ? Hmmm. Maybe I'm confused.
Furthermore, the referenced portion implies that all Democrats are Liberal Lefties and all Republicans are Conservatives. Nothing could be father from the truth. There are many Republicans that are as Liberal as Democrats. I could list them, but I'd be typing for the rest of the weekend. In addition, there is the implication that all Independents are moderates, or fence sitters, Once again, untrue. Some Independents may be moderates, but some Democrats and Republicans consider themselves to be moderates, too. Heck, there are many voters who call themselves Independents who are far more conservative than any Republican ever thought about being.
I guess the thing that really jumped out at me as I read is the lack of understanding of U.S. politics. The number of voters registered as Democrats or Republicans do NOT determine the outcome of our elections. Just ask anyone who has studied Political Science. It is a well established fact that the American electorate is about one-third Democrat, one-third Republican, and the other third consider themselves Independents. It is these Independents that decide the outcome of elections. Often, an Independent is not a moderate or someone who sits on the fence. They are voters who have simply chosen not to affiliate with one of the major parties for any number of reasons. Oftentimes, it is because they used to be a member of one of the major parties but became "disgruntled" with it. In other cases, it could be that an Independent may tend to vote Democrat but not call themselves a Democrat because they don't agree with some parts of the Democratic platform. Take gun control for instance. I know some people who tend to vote for Democrats but are firearm enthusiasts who completely disagree with the Democratic Party's desire for more gun control. Others are Independents because they think that some Democrats are too liberal while others aren't liberal enough. Other Independents, such as myself, may tend to vote Republican. However, we have chosen not to brand ourselves as Republicans because some Republicans are too liberal or moderate and not conservative enough. This is where I find myself. I believe that most Republicans aren't conservative enough. Simply put, Independents generally vote for issues, NOT parties. That's basic Political Science 101.
In an earlier blog post, I made the point that some of the tea party groups are giving the Lefty Democrats evidence to support their claim that "the tea party is nothing more than a wing of the Republican Party." The newsletter excerpt makes that point for me, too, by providing more evidence to support the Lefties claim. However, in my opinion, the most disturbing thing about the newsletter is what's not said. The Chairman of the Wilson Co. Tea Party (WCTP) is Sherrie Orange. Earlier in the year, she was appointed to the Wilson Co. Election Commission. I'm not sure if Ms. Orange actually writes these newsletters, but nevertheless she is in charge of the WCTP. In my opinion, the lack of political understanding shown in the newsletter could make one wonder why she, the WCTP Chairperson, was appointed as an election commissioner. Who appoints these people anyway ? Isn't it done by an elected representative from that district ? Who could that be ? Could it have been State Senator Beavers ? I wonder who would know.
Anyway, based upon the newsletter, the appointment doesn't make any sense. Or, ..... does it ?
I love it when people make my case for me.
Related articles
- The Rise of the Political Independents (
- An Opening for an Independent Candidate? (
- Third Party in 2012? (
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Marine to Marine
Then, another Marine, 2nd Lt. Patrick Wayland, 24, suffered a fatal heart attack during a training exercise. 2nd Lt. Wayland was an organ donor, and his mother requested that at least one of his organ's go to a Marine, if one was in need of a transplant. Remarkably, through Operation Gratitude, The Wayland Family learned of Sgt. Chadwick's need for a kidney. The two soldiers were found to be a match, and on August 7th, Sgt. Chadwick received one of 2nd Lt. Wayland's kidneys. Sgt. Chadwick is already home and doing well. In fact, both families are already expressing a desire to meet.
2nd Lt. Wayland was a hero both on and off the battlefield. In addition to his fellow Marine, he saved five other lives by making the choice to be an organ donor. The story of these two Marines shows just how "brothers in arms," and Marines in particular, do indeed "take care of their own." Perhaps the rest of us could learn a thing or two from them.
Semper Fi.
Sources :
- article on titled Special Donation Gives Marine Second Chance At Life
- article on titled Marine Organ Donor's Family and Recipient Aim to Meet
Related articles
- Deceased Marine's Family Donates His Kidney to Fellow Marine (
- After one Marine dies, his kidney saves another (
- In death, Fla. Marine gives life to comrade (
- Iraq vet gets kidney transplant from fellow Marine (
"Transplant Games of America" to be held in Michigan
When the National Kidney Foundation (NFK) did not announce the location of the 2012 U.S. Transplant Games during the closing ceremonies of the 2010 Games, the ones of us who were there knew something was up. So, when the NKF announced last May that it would not be holding the 2012 U.S. Transplant Games, we were not surprised. T.J. Maciak decided that someone needed to figure out a way to put on a similar event instead. He knew how important the olympic-style games are to many in the transplant community and felt that he had to make something happen. So, he founded the Transplant Games of America and put together a plan to hold them July 28-31, 2012 at Grand Valley State University in Michigan.
The current schedule of events includes :
Source : article titled Transplant Games Coming to W. Michigan
The current schedule of events includes :
- 5K run
- badminton
- cycling
- basketball
- golf
- swimming
- tennis
- table tennis
- volleyball
- track and field
- bowling
- racquetball
Source : article titled Transplant Games Coming to W. Michigan
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Your duck is dead
A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, "I'm sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away."
The distressed woman wailed, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead," replied the vet. "How can you be so sure?" she protested. "I mean you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."
The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.
The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room.
The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."
The vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$150!" she cried, "$150 just to tell me my duck is dead!"
The vet shrugged, "I'm sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it's now $150."
The distressed woman wailed, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead," replied the vet. "How can you be so sure?" she protested. "I mean you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."
The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.
The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room.
The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."
The vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$150!" she cried, "$150 just to tell me my duck is dead!"
The vet shrugged, "I'm sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it's now $150."
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
"And Till Death Do Us Part"
When I ran across Rachael Frieson's story the other day, my first thought was, "Wow. You don't hear about commitment like that much anymore." Rachael and her husband, Dan, were just recently married. The interesting thing is that she is waiting for a complex combination heart and liver transplant, and that Dan didn't hesitate when learning she was sick - he's in it for the long haul.
Rachael was born with a genetic heart defect which caused her heart to not form correctly. She could have died the very night she was born. However, she was blessed that one of the nurses on duty that night happened to be the wife of a pediatric cardiologist, who was knowledgeable of an experimental drug that would keep the newborn alive until she could undergo live-saving surgery.
During her life, Rachael has endured three open-heart surgeries. In fact, about a year into her and Dan's relationship, her health started to deteriorate again. She offered Dan the chance to end the relationship and walk away. However, Dan chose to stay by her side saying, "I knew I couldn't walk away without wondering my whole life about it." At first, the couple thought about waiting to get married until after Rachael's transplant. Then, they changed their minds and decided to proceed because they " ... were tired of waiting."
Rachael and Dan's story is the type of story of love and commitment that we need more of. It just makes you feel good. I hope and pray Rachael is blessed with the transplant she needs soon and that her and Dan have many wonderful years together. Their story reminds me of how blessed I am, too. My wife could have bailed and ran at any time after I got sick, too, but she chose to stick with me through it all. Besides the Lord's blessing and the generosity of my heart donor and his family, she's the biggest reason I'm still alive.
Just like Rachael, I don't it take for granted, either - not for a single minute.
Source - article on titled Battle Ground Couple Marries, Even with Bride' s Two-Organ Transplant Looming
Rachael was born with a genetic heart defect which caused her heart to not form correctly. She could have died the very night she was born. However, she was blessed that one of the nurses on duty that night happened to be the wife of a pediatric cardiologist, who was knowledgeable of an experimental drug that would keep the newborn alive until she could undergo live-saving surgery.
During her life, Rachael has endured three open-heart surgeries. In fact, about a year into her and Dan's relationship, her health started to deteriorate again. She offered Dan the chance to end the relationship and walk away. However, Dan chose to stay by her side saying, "I knew I couldn't walk away without wondering my whole life about it." At first, the couple thought about waiting to get married until after Rachael's transplant. Then, they changed their minds and decided to proceed because they " ... were tired of waiting."
Rachael and Dan's story is the type of story of love and commitment that we need more of. It just makes you feel good. I hope and pray Rachael is blessed with the transplant she needs soon and that her and Dan have many wonderful years together. Their story reminds me of how blessed I am, too. My wife could have bailed and ran at any time after I got sick, too, but she chose to stick with me through it all. Besides the Lord's blessing and the generosity of my heart donor and his family, she's the biggest reason I'm still alive.
Just like Rachael, I don't it take for granted, either - not for a single minute.
Source - article on titled Battle Ground Couple Marries, Even with Bride' s Two-Organ Transplant Looming
Monday, August 22, 2011
"I Won't Back Down" on Music Monday
Today marks Tom Petty's first appearance on The Sheepdog's Music Mondays. He has been recording great music since the late '70s. Petty's Full Moon Fever album of 1989 may have been the biggest success of his career. The album reached #3 on the Billboard Top 200. Petty released five singles from the album and one of them, "I Won't Back Down," is the feature for today's Music Monday.
The song's message is a powerful one that we should all take to heart. It basically says that no matter what life throws at you or how tough times get, don't give up and don't back down. It's kind of a catchy tune with a fun video. I hope everyone enjoys it. You can watch it by clicking here.
And by the way - here's a little trivia for you. Can anyone tell me who the two other well-known musicians are in the video ? I'll give you a hint - they played with a popular British band that came on the scene in the 1960s. Who are they ? Leave a comment on this post with your guess.
Friday, August 19, 2011
T.A.P.S. - Helping the Families of America's Fallen Heroes

- Peer Support Network where survivors can connect, share experiences, and support each other.
- Survivor Seminars and Good Grief Camps to aid in coping with grief.
- An Online Community with chats, blogs, message boards, and newsletters.
- Crisis Intervention specialists on call 24 / 7.
A friend of mine, Steve Mitchell, has first hand knowledge of T.A.P.S. services. I first met Steve about 3 or 4 years ago. Steve is one of the good guys. He's hard-working, professional, and a straight-shooter who looks you in the eye when he's talking to you. I've never heard him say a negative thing about anybody. In fact, he's rightly corrected me on a few occasions when I had something "un-nice" to say. You don't see many like him anymore. I guess you could say he's "old school." In this day and time, we need more of that.
Steve's son, Captain David "Seth" Mitchell (pictured multiple times in this article), served as a pilot in the U.S. Marine Corps. Everything I've read and heard about Seth leads me to believe that he had the same good qualities as his dad - qualities that make for a great Marine. The following is Seth's bio :
Captain David “Seth” Mitchell USMC, son of Steve and Connie Mitchell and brother of Drew Mitchell, was killed in a helicopter collision while on duty in Afghanistan October 26, 2009. Captain Mitchell was stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA and was part of the Marine Corp HMLA 367 Scarface unit. Captain Mitchell piloted an AH-1 Super Cobra helicopter.
Seth Mitchell was born in Charlotte, NC and graduated from Loveland High School in Loveland, OH in 1997. One turning point in Seth’s life was getting involved with Student Venture, the high school ministry of the Campus Crusade for Christ. Seth found his spiritual compass and developed leadership skills that would serve him well in future endeavors. At Loveland High, Seth played football, ran track and was elected president of his senior class. After high school Seth enrolled at Virginia Tech and earned an ROTC scholarship after his freshman year. He pursued his dream of becoming a Marine through the ROTC program transitioning from Virginia Tech ROTC directly into the Marine Corp in 2001.
Upon graduating from OCS, Captain Mitchell was assigned to Camp LeJeune, NC. While at Camp LeJeune he served tours in Okinawa, Haiti and Iraq as part of an infantry unit. Growing up he had dreamed of becoming a pilot but did not qualify for the military aviation program due to his eyesight. After corrective eye surgery and while stationed at Camp LeJeune, Captain Mitchell pursued and achieved his private pilot’s license. Due to his determination and diligence, Captain Mitchell beat long odds and was awarded a Marine Aviation training spot after four years in the Corp. Captain Mitchell started his flight training in Pensacola, FL earning his wings in May 2007. He later qualified to fly the AH-1 Super Cobra Helicopter. Captain Mitchell had achieved and was living his dream of serving his country as a Marine aviator. Captain Mitchell loved to fly and did so during his second tour of Iraq in 2008. In very typical fashion, Captain Mitchell volunteered to report early to duty in Afghanistan to assist a unit short on manpower.
Seth was without a doubt a hero. Steve is currently preparing for the Annual Marine Corps Marathon. He is running to honor his son and to raise funds for T.A.P.S. because he believes in the wonderful services they provide to the families of deceased soldiers. Below, Steve's tells about his run and provides a link where you can donate to T.A.P.S.
Help the Families of our Fallen Heroes
Dear friends,
Here I go again !! I am training for the 36th Annual Marine Corps Marathon on October 30, 2011. My participation in last year’s marathon proved to be not only fulfilling, but also rewarding as we raised over $12,000.00 for TAPS. Since January 2011, over 250 families have been impacted by war related deaths and countless others by non-war related deaths. TAPS provides needed help and services to those families that have lost a loved one while in service to their country.
I will be honoring my son, his colleagues that perished along side him (Capt. Eric Jones, Capt. Kyle Van De Giesen and Cpl. Gregory Fleury), and supporting our nation’s surviving military families by participating with the TAPS Run and Remember Team. At the end of this email, you will have a chance to visit my link and join Team Seth Mitchell (TSM). There are several ways you can join TSM. You can join by your thoughts and prayers for the survivors, you can join TSM and participate in the Marine Corp Marathon 10k (the 26.2 miler is full), or you can make a financial contribution to our team in Seth's memory.
TAPS stands for Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. TAPS reached out to our family after Seth died while serving in Afghanistan. The heart of TAPS is its national military survivor peer support network and its focus to support families and friends as they cope and recover. Please visit the TAPS web site at
Connie and I attended our second national seminar over the Memorial Day weekend. We continue to be touched and impressed by the entire organization. TAPS is an organization worth supporting.
Will you please sponsor me in the Marine Corps Marathon so that TAPS can continue its mission to support those impacted by the death of a loved one in the armed forces?
Steve Mitchell
Follow this link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Tragedy Assistance for Survivors (TAPS).
My last check of Steve's fundraising page (click here) showed that his fundraising goal is $3000 and he is a little more than halfway (a little over $1600) there. Please join my wife and I in supporting Team Seth Mitchell and America's military families who have given all. It's the least we can do to say "Thank You" for protecting our freedom.
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